
Employee Motivation : 06 ways to motivate your employees

Employee Motivation

Employees are the most important asset for any organization. As the organizations are realizing the importance of the employees as an asset to the company, the importance of employee motivation has become one important subject in the field of management. Since employees can be considered as an asset with infinite value, motivating employees has become […]

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Management Planning: Importance of planning as a part of management process

Management Planning

The management process is the basis of the success of any managerial activity. Management planning is the first element of the management process. As the first step of the management process, management planning works with major importance for the successful completion of any management activity. In this article, we will have a better look at

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Face the growing competition : 6 key steps to follow

Face the growing competition

The new technologies are changing rapidly. Businesses are also changing with the changing technologies. Due to this many organizations are struggling to face the growing competition. The same type of products and services are joining the market. That makes the survival harder for businesses as the consumers are always interested in experimenting with new products

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Importance of a marketing plan: 06 reasons why you should have a marketing plan for your business

Importance of a marketing plan

Marketing plays a huge role in the success of any business organization. No matter how good your product is, it needs a proper marketing method to make the customers aware of the product and to create the customer need for the product. The importance of a marketing plan should be identified by every organization prior

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Business Planning

Business Planning

The modern business industry is rapidly changing with technologies. New businesses are joining with the business world and existing businesses are changing or quitting the market. This increases the importance of business planning where an organization can reach the best possible market with the best possible product to maximize profit. Business planning can be considered

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How to find the best marketing method for the product – 4 Key factors

best marketing method for the product

Finding the best marketing method is not an easy task. Competition is rapidly increasing in the modern business world. Similar types of products are manufacturing every day by different organizations and the consumers can get easily confused with the number of similar products available in the market. It is very important to create an awareness

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Competitive advantage : Meaning and top 8 requirements

Competitive advantage

Organizations are using various tactics to increase their sales volume. With the increase in the competition for almost every product in the world, the organizations have to change the marketing techniques they use to create more demand for their products. The concept of competitive advantage has been evolved around this. Competitive advantage is a condition

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