
04 Main Components of Knowledge Management

04 Main Components of Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management is one of the modern topics in the growing business world. It is the process of creating, structuring, sharing, using, and managing the knowledge, information, and experience within an organization. The main purpose of knowledge management is to improve the efficiency of organizational activities and preserve the knowledge within the business organization. The

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08 Main Elements of a Quality Management System (QMS)

08 Main Elements of a Quality Management System (QMS)

Maintaining a quality management system (QMS) is important for a business to survive and grow in the business industry in the long run. Quality management systems can help businesses to meet their customer requirements as well as regulatory requirements while maintaining continuous growth and improvement in their operations. A quality management system (QMS) is considered

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Shares: Meaning and 02 Main Types of Shares Available for Investors

Shares: Meaning and 02 Main Types of Shares Available for Investors

Shares are considered units of equity ownership in a business corporation. When owners establish a corporation, they may decide to issue shares to investors as a method of collecting capital. These shares can be ordinary shares or preference shares. The raised capital from issuing equity shares is used for operations and growth of the business

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Debentures: Meaning and Types of Debentures in the Market

Debentures: Meaning and Types of Debentures in the Market

Debentures are considered as a type of bond or a debt instrument that is not secured by collateral. It is similar to most bonds but usually pays interest payments periodically. These payments are known as coupon payments. Since there is no collateral backing, debentures usually rely on the creditworthiness and the positive reputation of the

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Employee Encouragement: How to Create a Long and Healthy Business Relationship with Employees

Employee Encouragement: How to Create a Long and Healthy Business Relationship with Employees

Employee encouragement is one of the most discussed topics in the current human resources industry. Since the business world has identified the importance of human resources for the success of any business, managing a healthy relationship with the employees has become the main priority for many businesses. It is also identified that employee encouragement plays

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08 Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction

08 Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction

Identifying the factors influencing customer satisfaction is highly important for businesses. No matter what their internal goals and objectives are, the success of any business relies on the level of customer satisfaction it can create for the target market. Since the final purchasing decision is mainly depending on the level of satisfaction the customer is

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B2B Marketing: Meaning, 06 Main Advantages, and Disadvantages

B2B Marketing: Meaning, 06 Main Advantages, and Disadvantages

Business-to-business marketing, in other words, B2B marketing is one of the main buzzwords in the modern growing business world. B2B marketing is the process of selling a certain product manufactured by one party to another party for selling purposes. It can happen in the service industry as well when a service-providing business provides its services

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Derivatives: Meaning and 04 Types of Derivatives in Investment Market

Derivatives: Meaning and 04 Types of Derivatives in Investment Market

Derivatives are one of the most popular types of investments in the modern investment market. There are many financial instruments in the modern investment market such as mutual funds, treasury bills, treasury bonds, and various types of deposits. A derivative can be identified as a contract between two or more parties whose value is decided

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